Room101 Cigars was founded in 2009 with the intent to honor the craft and rich history of cigar making whilst applying a progressive approach to both blending and product design. From its inception, the Room101 brand quickly garnered the respect and intrigue of cigar traditionalists as well as a newer breed of enthusiasts in the early stages of what was to become an era of “boutique” brands.

2017 saw a reincarnation of Room101 Cigars. With the launch of exciting collaborative projects with both the Caldwell Cigar Company and AJ Fernandez, Room101 again demonstrated the brand’s ability to transcend the norm and skyline as a house of innovation in terms of creativity and quality. These first products paved the way towards the debut of new collections under the Room101 name to solidify the brand’s position in premium tobacco.

We strive to honor a history rich in culture and craft whilst unapologetically remaining true to our brand and the core philosophies that make us far more than just another brand – they make us a family. If this sounds appealing, we would be honored to have you within our ranks.

We welcome you to the new Room101.

Johnny Tobacconaut

Get Lifted. One small puff for man, one giant cascade of flavor for mankind is what our dear friend and comrade in arms Johnny Tobacconaut seeks to deliver unto you. We escape the day-to-day ether we know so well in search of intergalactic adventure with our latest offering hailing from the Room101 family. Unsheathe this smoke wagon of funkadelic flavor and afford yourself a micro escape from your day. The mini vacation you are about to embark upon, should you choose to accept it, will bring you one step closer to becoming that gentleman or gentle-lady of leisure we all know is within you.

Elevate and emancipate in a cloud of delicious smoke, mined and procured from the depths of the seventh planet from the sun. Johnny Tobacconaut is passing you the torch.

Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade
Binder: Mexican
Filler: Nicaragua
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Factory: Tabacalera AJ Fernandez Cigars de Nicaragua S.A.
Strength: Mild
Size: Toro (6X52), Perfecto (6X56)
Tasting Notes: Butter, Graham Cracker, Cedar, Cinnamon


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