Montecristo Cigars are some of the most elegant and prominent cigars on the planet. Montecristo Cigars have ties to the classic era of cigar-culture in Cuba, when Alonso Menendez and Pepe Garcia introduced the first incarnations of their future-classics back in 1935. From their humble cultural roots and overall commitment to luxury and affluence, Montecristo Cigars have gone on to become one of, if not the most, recognizable cigar brand in the industry.In the tradition of the brand’s storied history and dedication to quality, the art, spirit and prestige of the original Montecristo Cigars continues today. Some of the most esteemed cigar masters and rollers in world craft every offering within the brand’s expansive portfolio by hand, across two factories in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. Montecristo Cigars use only components of the highest quality, like Dominican-grown, Cuban-seed long filler tobaccos, and an array of aged, well-refined wrappers; ensuring the standards in both taste and construction that was set by the brand decades prior.

Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua

Celebrating 85 Legendary Years of Montecristo with a first-ever, tribute blend of the iconic cigar that started it all. The first Montecristo cigar was handcrafted in 1935 using a signature blend of tobaccos that has become the standard by which the brand still lives up to today. Now, 85 years later, tobacco and blending powerhouses Grupo De Maestros, Rafael Nodal and AJ Fernandez transport us back to that iconic moment in history with a first-ever interpretation of the original blend that made Montecristo the icon it is today. We are pleased to announce Cigar Aficionado has recognized the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua No. 2 as the #2 Cigar of the Year in 2021!

  • Wrapper: Nicaragua
  • Binder: Nicaragua
  • Filler: Nicaragua
  • Country of Origin: Nicaragua
  • Factory: San Lotano
  • Strength: Medium-Full
  • Size: Toro (6X54)
  • Tasting Notes: Coffee, Wood, Earth, Cinnamon

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